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How You Can Apply Stephen Covey's Seven Habits to Your Real Estate Business

These ideals are important to conveying authenticity and building trust. Covey's ideas are crucial to improving communication and building relationships at the office and at home. Stephen Covey explains two important concepts, empathetic listening and synergy. I have had experiences at my current internship and in past careers that provide memories for reflection in these pivotal categories. My experiences in both categories have had a tangible impact on my current situation and my plans for the future.

In the mortgage business, it is common to come across customers who have had poor experiences with lenders. A most recent customer fell into this category. While taking an application, I could sense weariness on the part of the customer. Through probing, I was able to unravel the nature of her past experience. The customer was apprehensive due to paying outrageous closing cost in a previous deal. This particular conversation relates to Covey's message on listening. If I was too ambitious about selling a new loan, I would not have been able to understand the concerns of the potential borrower. Through effective listening, I believe the customer felt at ease with moving forward.

This lesson combined with the teachings of Covey can help people deal with future sales by helping people to probe and listen to determine the previous experiences of the customer. A good salesman will empathetically try to understand the true needs of the customer. Through empathetic listening, I will be able to create synergy at the work place and at home. Creating synergy at home is extremely important to a successful career. It is widely proclaimed that, "Behind every great man is an even greater woman". Maintaining relationships depends heavily on effective listening. I increase the likelihood of a healthier and happier life by incorporating these efforts into your personal life.

The lesson of empathetic listening will have an impact and add value to anyone's career. Furthermore, the lesson will result in success in any field you pursue. By working to be an effective listener, you will learn to address the needs of people around me and build strong relationships. In addition, these listening habits will help build synergy at home. Because you will have a strong relationship at home, you will have more success in future career ventures. The support will help you through the tough times that everyone encounters.

As an example, while working at First Mariner Bank, I have seen several examples of all of Covey's habits come into play. Recently, I have been enacting behavioral changes consistent with the lessons of Habit 7, "Sharpening the Saw". I have recently started working out and eating healthier. I have also removed myself from playing online games and watching television and dedicated extra time to reading. I have found that my memory skills and speech patterns have improved. I have more energy on the job and spend less time drifting. All together, I believe by eliminating television I have eliminated the greatest obstacle to mental proficiency.

Gender issues are common in the mortgage industry. Many residential loans involve two people, husband and wife. Most loans require salesmanship towards both parties. From my experiences, I have learned that it is extremely important to bond with each party. These skills vary on the personalities of the customers. In general, it is better to talk sports with the husbands, and talk of family stories with the wives. Your career plans cannot wait long. The experiences you learn in the workplace are as important as any of life's lessons and leave you prepared for the continued career search. You should completely enjoy your work experience, classroom dialogue, and readings. You should look forward to a fulfilling career that utilizes the lessons learned in the workplace.

Real Estate