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Celebrities and Their Homes

Celebrities are big spenders in the fashion industry, motor industry and real estate as well. It is not always a success for all of them. Some have created their wealth and have maintained it for a good period, while others have shot to fame and lost the wealth that comes with it within a very short period.

Celebrities and their homes

Zillow, a company that performs rankings on real estate for celebrities, stated that Windermere listed a home in a neighborhood called Leschi for sale. It is to be sold for slightly over one million U.S dollars. Jimi Hendrix is said to have lived in this house.

Katherine Heigl, a star in the Grey's Anatomy series, plans to sell her home which is in Los Angeles for a total sum of about 1.7 million U.S dollars. She had bought this lavish house in the year 2006 for about 1.5 million U.S dollars.

Oprah Winfrey estimated her condo in Fisher Island, Florida, to be two million U.S dollars. Her condominium is not as lavish as would be expected of a house that costs that much, though location also counts when determining its worth.

Kiefer Sutherland's Silver Lake house cost him 4.895 million U.S dollars. He transformed the warehouse and made it his home. His taste and superiority in the Real Estate industry clearly indicates his status in society. Kiefer does his recording in his high quality studio from the comfort of his home.

Sylvester Stallone, a Beverly Hills inhabitant, purchased two mansions in an area called Thousand Oaks. One was estimated at 5.5 million U.S dollars while the other was projected to be 1.7 million U.S dollars.

Cary Grant's Daughter, Jennifer Grant, has her home estimated at 2.195 million U.S dollars. Another celebrity, Angela Bassett put up her French home for sale at a price of 3.8 million U.S dollars. By the time of the sale, the house had depreciated by 1.1 million. Chris O'Donnell, an actor, had his home sold for about 5.3 million U.S dollars. Rachel Zoe also had her house sold for 2.5 million U.S dollars. It was a two-bed roomed apartment situated in the Hollywood Hills.

There are quite a number of celebrities in the entertainment industry who made it big at some point in their lives but ended up bankrupt. Gary Coleman is such an example. This leads to demonstrate the importance of managing ones finances however small or large the income.


Real Estate