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Long Island Real Estate Market - It's Starting to Look Ugly

For the Long Island real estate market, as we move forward into the abyss...no scratch that...

As we move forward towards certain doom...nope, not going there...

As we look toward the dark days that lie ahead...no, no...

As we look toward the future...(breathe)...there are definitely going to be some bumps in the road. Okay, that was much better. I recently went ahead and started taking a close look at individual towns throughout the Long Island real estate market and their last 30 days of activity. I focused on a few characteristics and I will share them in this article.

They are:
1. Highest-Priced Sold Home in the Area.
2. Average Selling Price in the Area.
3. Number of Units (houses) Sold.

I will be delivering an updated foreclosure report in the coming weeks, because ultimately, the situation with home values is going to be crushed by the wave of pending foreclosures throughout the Long Island real estate market.

The following is a breakdown of towns that I randomly chose to include in this article. If you want information on a specific town, not featured in the article - leave a comment or call me.

Deer Park
$435,000 = Highest-Priced Sold Home
$345,267 = Average Selling Price
15 = Number of Units Sold

West Islip









W. Babylon

[Only 4 closings in the previous 30 days - data insufficient]



Now after looking at these numbers, you can see that the amount of closings is significantly low. For example, in Mastic, New York, there are over 500 homes for sale. With only 12 closings in the last 30 days, that translates to less than 2% of the market selling. In Riverhead, New York, there were less than 5 closings during the last 30 days.

Additionally, in West Babylon, the average selling price for the previous 30 days was less than $315,000 and in Farmingdale, the average has dipped below $400,000 down to $379,265.

While some high end homes closed in towns like Huntington, West Islip and Massapequa, you can tell by their averages that most of the homes in those areas are significantly less in selling prices and, those homes that did sell for over 1 million dollars have lost significant equity value to sell at those prices.

With the continued increase of foreclosures throughout the Long Island real estate market, homeowners must take into consideration that it is not going to get better overnight. Anyone who wants to sell their home should know this information and take it very seriously.


Real Estate Management Code of Conduct

Professional real estate management is practiced in a fair and clear manner only when the professionals involved follow a formal code of conduct. This ensures client satisfaction which is a very important element for the success of any business. There are certain ethical norms that have to be strictly followed by the assets managing executives.

Loyalty is a very important aspect of the attitude of the assets managing executive towards his employers and his clients. While safeguarding the interests of the client he should not compromise with the interests of his employing organization; and vice versa. There are many executives who compromise with their sincerity towards their employers and their clients to meet their selfish ends and make some fast money. The employing firms have their own set of rules which may differ from one firm to another. The professional real estate management staff may be directed to either give more weight age to the preferences of the clients or the employer, in case of any differences in opinion. They should never engage in any activity that is detrimental to the interests of their employers or their clients.

No client will want his private information to be leaked out to anybody. Hence, the assets managing professionals are expected to maintain confidentiality in their dealings with the client details. They should not leak out information about one client to another, even if it is for promoting the good reputation of the firm. If it is necessary at all to provide details on an official basis to some concerned staff, he should do so with the consent of the client and not otherwise. If it to be done without the knowledge of the client , the concerned professional real estate management executive should do so in strict adherence to the laws of the land regarding such activity.

The client has the right to ask the executive managing his asset to give him accurate information regarding his assets, at any point of time, without any notice. Hence, the executive should be prepared with all the client details. They should be neatly documented and should be in an auditable format. These records should also be available to the inspectors and other executives who need to access them for their work. However, the particular executive dealing with a particular client is responsible for safeguarding the documents of the client. He should not conceal any relevant information from the client. He should not distort facts while conveying them to the clients. The professional real estate management executive should not resort to any of these methodologies to convince the client. He should always give a truthful and frank opinion.

The assets managing executive should be very careful when dealing with the money of the client. He should maintain an exclusive account for each client and not store it in a common pool. All records pertaining to finances should be accurately made and recorded. The financial privacy of each client should not be compromised with at any cost. The monetary deposit of the client should not be used for the expenses of the firm or to meet the expenses of another client, whatever the emergency may be. If at all such a thing is to be done, it should be done with hundred percent consent of the client. The professional real estate management executive should not try to influence the client in any way, with distortion of facts, in matters related to finances.


Real Estate Office Management Tips

The assets industry professionals are some of the busiest people of the working community. They deal with clients, prospective clients, and contacts and maintain their records on paper or electronic databases. They have a lot of deadlines to meet in short periods of time and as they have to simultaneously deal with a number of situations at a given time, they can be pretty haphazard in the way they organize things around themselves, which in turn increases the complexity of their work and reduces their efficiency. Following a few real estate office management guidelines will do them good

One of the foremost criteria for enhancing work efficiency is to work in a systematic manner. The first step in this direction is to identify the routine activities and the ones that are done under special circumstances and develop a working methodology independently for each of them. The routine activities should be organized well. The daily input, daily processed information and daily output information stores should be maintained well. The staff handling these data store should be trained on handling them in a formal procedural manner.

The real estate office management staff should design a concrete system to deal with data storing and processing, and following the system should be made mandatory for the relevant staff. This will ensure fast retrieval of data when dealing with clients. A good assets managing firm will always try to take precautions against any special situations that they might encounter. Hence, if electronic databases are being used, then it is always better to be prepared with backups as electronic systems are highly susceptible to viral attacks and technical failures.

A good way to eliminate chaos in the work environment is for the real estate office management firm to make individual job descriptions for all its employees. These job descriptions should be conveyed clearly in writing to them so that they become aware of their individual roles and work accordingly. Assigning a particular job to only one person and not to more people will eliminate confusion. If a job is too huge in quantity or is highly complicated one job can be allotted to more than one person. But in that case, the role that each and every member of the delegation has to play should be conveyed clearly by the team leader.

Real office estate management gurus opine that it is always better to make any modifications and up dates to the databases as and when required rather then take them up as a separate task later on. This error usually happens where paper databases are used as the modifications and up dates have to be done manually. But in the case of electronic data basing this problem is overcome to a large extent as the effects of a change at one point ripples across all the relevant areas of the database automatically.

Lastly, an important criterion of commendable real estate office management is to organize the physical workspace systematically. The tables should be kept neat and tidy. Storing files and paraphernalia should be done in a logical manner so that accessing them does not take a lot of effort and time. A neat, hygienic and organized workspace reflects an efficient working environment. Managing workplaces is an art and it reflects the personality and work efficiency of the people working in that place. It makes the organization efficiency wise trustworthy in the eyes of the clients.


Fire Island - International Visitors Find Dream Homes

They just want to have their perfect place in the sun; the place where blue waters meet white sandy beaches, the place where International visitors of distinction can have their vacation dreams come true. Where else but on Fire Island, NY can they find what they are looking for in unique luxury vacation homes? Where else can they make a statement that they are part of an elite International set who know what they want and have earned the right to get it.

Fire Island offers a way for these International visitors to satisfy their desires and find the perfect home of their dreams. It hosts a number of small communities or villages nestled between the Atlantic Ocean and the Great South Bay off of Long Island, NY and near to New York City.

Fire Island is the kind of place where you can kick back and really relax. You don't even need a car because almost everything is only a short walk from the beach or fine dining and entertainment.

This vacation treasure on the East Coast of the US offers International Buyers of fine properties the opportunity to take advantage of favorable exchange rates in an economic environment that lends itself to making sound investment decisions, but it's not just about getting a good deal: it's also about finding the vacation home of your dreams. It's an all in one opportunity to get the best of both worlds so that you can feel secure that you are providing yourself and your family with a worthwhile experience of pure and justifiable pleasure.

The people that take up vacation residence on Fire Island tend to stay for years and in some cases from generation to generation because it provides a living experience of unparallel beauty and grace. This is just what International visitors are looking for. This is what many of them search the world for. This is a haven that can provide them with the peace and security that they cherish. This is what fine living is all about. This is the place to be.


Important Tips and Facts About County Real Estate

The scope of county governments may occur from state to state. The relationship between incorporated cities and counties also occur from state to state. Generally, a county acts as a sub-division of a regional self government which is within a larger jurisdiction of a count. This originated in continental Europe.

In the United States, 48 out of the 50 states use the word county. This is according to the state government, the Federal or the territorial government as a sub-unit of a territory. A state should possess the facilities for populated counties such as:
• Airports
• Convention centers
• Beaches
• Harbors
• Public housings
• Museums
• And Hospitals

They need to provide the security of the people of the state, including the safety of their food. Cities occupy a smaller area as compared to a county which contains them. However, there is an exception to this rule. Considering that both a city and a county lie under the state law as a city, its county can merge so as to form a consolidated city-county.

A County Real-Estate's objective is to market properties via utilizing state of the art marketing tools, highest quality photography, most up-to-date technology, professional ethics and a strong company support system. The most common scenario includes the beaches and resorts. This is along with other luxurious and elegant properties.

For this type of real-estate, people specialize in presenting their clients with single-family residences, ranches and income property within the city. Here are some tips when considering a type of County Real Estate:
• Before finalizing your decision with a Real Estate agent, make sure you understood the different types of Buyer-Agent agreements. It may not show the property listed, and still requires representation by their agency.
• An exclusive buyer's agent presents properties that are usually not listed for sale. They can guarantee 100% loyalty from the first phase until the final decision making stage. Accepting dual agency will not be an issue here. Plus, there are no conflicts with regard to the interest. This agent has all access to all listed properties in the market. An example is the fact that the owner of the property can even get an exclusive buyer agent to sell its property.

Investing in a county real estate is one of the largest financial investments ever made. As an agent, they work for their clients in order to help them find homes and properties which the clients desire or dream of. Agents also work for their clients so as to protect and secure best interests for their clients by providing complete and professional guidance. Whatever the county real estate needs is a highly qualified county real estate agent who is able to simplify the process and bring years of experience to the client's corner. A county real estate is set apart from the competition that exclusively applies the use of intelligent ideas, intelligent service, and have unparalleled devotion to the intelligent representation of the county Real Estate. The most important decision a buyer makes is to ensure a successful purchase in a location, price or time. It's the agent they pick that guides them.

After the initial complimentary non-obligation consultation, you can contact some of the past clients about how they are provided with unbiased, straightforward opinion and analysis, along with superb negotiations and transaction management skills that go along with true advocacy.

Here are some other aspects in buying a property.
• Locate and evaluate the property that goes with your price range. Determine the offering price.
• Exercise a level of diligence on the proposed purchase.
• Do a negotiation strategy based on the competition and document as well as all the contingencies needed. Going through with this process and through a buyer agent's helps enable the purchase of the desired property at the cheapest and lowest "possible" price. This is with the terms being met in specific needs.
• An agent will be able to recommend inspectors that walk through the property, along with a professional. They will also provide guidance and suitable options throughout the negotiations, especially when a problem arises.


My Prediction For UK House Prices

I've been absolutely inundated today with different Interest groups littering my inbox with their house price predictions. Here is a snapshot:

-Hometrack HPI - Annual house prices fall 5.3 per cent.
-Halifax HPI - Annual house prices fall 10.9 per cent.
-Nationwide HPI - Annual house prices fall by 10.5per cent.
-Land Registry House - price growth fell for the 11th month in a row in July.
-Bank of England Number of mortgages approved falls to new low.
-Rics survey - Over the last three months, the average number of transactions per surveyor has fallen to 12.7, the lowest figure since the property survey began.

In a nutshell, here are the facts you need to understand from this data:

First of all, there is no such thing as a UK property market. With Mars Bars the price is going to be pretty uniform across the country. With beer, the price is going to differentiate from bar to bar but stay within a certain band. Property is something else altogether. Take two identical houses next door to each other. Both vendors want to move. One vendor has no mortgage on his house and sells up for £90,000. Does this mean that next door will automatically sell for £90,000? The answer is no. It may be the case that the next door neighbour has remortgaged some of his equity. He may have a secured loan that needs to be paid off. He may have to achieve £98000 in order to have enough cash to use as a deposit on his next home. Just because one Newsagent decides to sell his Mars Bars at 10p as a promotion does not mean that every Mars Bar in the UK is now worth just 10p!

Prices will continue to fall. This House Price crash has been caused almost entirely by the increased difficulties in finding mortgage finance. At the moment banks just don't want to lend mortgages unless you have a seriously big deposit to put down. This situation will not carry on forever. Eventually, some bright spark will say, "wait a minute; we could make a killing if we helped out FTB's with some more creative finance!" At this point a light bulb will appear above all the Banks and Building societies HQs and the rush to lend will start all over again. Remember - it is mortgages that make banks money! It is mortgages that provide the profits that allow banks to give you interest on your deposits. It is mortgages that allow you to enjoy free banking. It is mortgages that keep bank employees in work. Basically, mortgages put food on the table. When the banks remember this lending will recommence in earnest - and prices will shoot higher than ever before. This situation will come about at some time in 2009, or perhaps take as long as 2010 - but it will happen, guaranteed.


Public Records on Home Sales - Where to Get Them

In today's fast paced real estate world many people want to purchase homes in alternative ways and flip them, i.e., fix them up and turn them around for a profit. So that you do not pay too much money for the property it is very important to become familiar with your county's public records on home sales.

In order to do this you have to get your background information about the property in order so you must check out your local resources on public records on home sales.

Much of the information you need is now online so you can do your homework at home in your pajamas but your County Recorder's Office is an excellent place to go and familiarize yourself with their records. They are friendly and worth their weight in gold when you need what they have.

First you can track down the recorded documents on the property through your city Assessor or your County Assessor's office. In their information they will have the "book and page" of the recorded documents on the property: the mortgage, the Declaration of Value, a Ground Hazard Information sheet and other pertinent documents. The Assessor's Office can also tell you information about the property they acquired during their assessment procedure in order to establish the amount of property taxes on the property.

All of this information will be interesting to you when you focus on a property that you want to buy: you have to know how much was paid for the property when it was last sold, who presently owns it, especially if it is a foreclosed property. If the property is presently owned by the present buyers you may be able to go to them directly to buy the property rather than through a real estate agent or bank or foreclosure company representing the lender.

Another source of public records on home sales you will want to check is your local Sheriff's office to find out whether there has been a "Sheriff's Sale" on the property, the first step in the foreclosure process, where the property is sold at a Sherriff's Auction for the amount due to the lender or more. Typically the lender will buy back the debt at this point to ensure they maintain their ownership role in the foreclosure procedure.

When the information in question becomes recorded information, it is free and available to anyone in the public realm who wishes to obtain it. Public records on home sales are by their very nature free to access by anyone, so the public can track prices on sold properties, so anyone can know what a property sold for to compare it to other possible sold properties to determine a price for a house going onto the market.


Real Estate